ࡱ> 7967 bjbj .kdkd ''''C 'ktO:ddd$hddddd%rrrdrdrrr [&zr;0krrrdddrdddddrdddkddddddddddddd : [Name] [job role] [Address] [Date] Subject: [advert you are contacting about] Dear [Name], I am writing as a [vet/vet nurse/pet owner/animal lover] to express my concern over your recent advert [for xxxx] featuring inappropriate depiction of [type of animal]. Vets fear the use of such imagery in advertising (whether real or cartoon/CGI), without giving full thought to the way the animal is depicted, has the potential to either encourage pet owners to emulate inappropriate behaviours and situations or negatively impact the health and welfare of the wider pet population. The Ƶ (Ƶ), the leading voice for vets in the UK, and other leading veterinary and animal welfare organisations, often speak in national media to raise concerns about how the overall portrayal of the animals in images or videos could be perceived by the wider public and the potentially harmful knock-on effects this may have in terms of emulation by pet owners. Examples of inappropriate advertising include a dog shown with a child riding on its back, a dog jumping on a trampoline to celebrate Christmas, rabbits housed in tiny hutches, and flat-faced dogs and cats. This issue has been recognised by both the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons ( HYPERLINK "https://protect-eu.mimecast.com/s/-IktCZzQC7rnmSJsG8i" RCVS) and the  HYPERLINK "https://www.asa.org.uk/news/paws-and-clause-avoiding-an-advertising-cat-astrophe-when-featuring-animals.html" Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), who respectively have urged vets on set and advertisers to give thought to the way in which the advert may be perceived, in addition to the health and welfare of the specific animal in their care. Id encourage you to refer to a comprehensive set of guidelines produced by Ƶ, with support from members of the Veterinary Animal Welfare Coalition the British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA), Blue Cross, British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA), British Veterinary Zoological Society (BVZS), PDSA, RSPCA and SSPCA. The guidelines, entitled  HYPERLINK "/workplace-guidance/ethical-guidance/advertising-guidelines/" Pets in advertising A social concern, are intended to support decision-making on the responsible use of pet animals in advertising, marketing and communications materials. Advertising has the power to promote messages that encourage responsible pet ownership and positive animal health and welfare outcomes, and so I ask [name of advertising company] and all respected, influential organisations to use appropriate, healthy animals (real or CGI/cartoon) responsibly in all advertising activity. I trust you will appreciate the concerns raised. I would ask that you remove the advert, and that, at the very least, you will consider the implications for animal welfare in future advertising campaigns. I look forward to receiving your thoughts on this matter. Yours sincerely, [Signed] 08]^de~   # , F d S 7 = ̻ݪݜݎwfU!hdl{hF B*OJQJ^Jph!hphF B*OJQJ^Jph,hphdl{B*CJOJQJ]^JaJphh^JcB*OJQJ^JphhpWB*OJQJ^Jph!hph,EB*OJQJ^Jph!hph"B*OJQJ^Jph!hphAB*OJQJ^Jph!hphdl{B*OJQJ^Jph!hphh?B*OJQJ^Jph!01]^l S Ndh7$8$H$gddl{dhgddl{ A B F G H I P Q R !SUYZ  (ıırrdrSESrhOJQJ^JmH sH  hChOJQJ^JmH sH hB*OJQJ^Jph!hph,EB*OJQJ^Jph!hphF B*OJQJ^Jph!hdl{hF B*OJQJ^JphhpW0JOJQJ^J%jhdl{hF 0JOJQJU^Jhdl{hF 0JOJQJ^Jhdl{hF OJQJ^J!jhdl{hF OJQJU^JhpWB*OJQJ^Jph()<yhWhWFh!hph}GB*OJQJ^Jph!hphh?B*OJQJ^Jph!hphDB*OJQJ^Jph!hphdl{B*OJQJ^Jph!hphF B*OJQJ^JphhpWB*OJQJ^Jph!hph,EB*OJQJ^Jphh|Lh,E0JOJQJ^J*jh|LB*OJQJU^Jphh|LB*OJQJ^Jph$jh|LB*OJQJU^Jph,1h. 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