
蹤獲弝け Officers

Electing 蹤獲弝け officers

The Electoral College

The Electoral College is the body of electors that assesses nominations and formally selects members for election to officer status.

Current members of the Electoral College

Judy Scrine

An equine vet by vocation since the age of 3, and having been in clinical practice since 1991, Judy has recently had to step away from her equine clinical director role due to injury. Now with the opportunity to dedicate herself to more philanthropic roles within the profession, Judy is passionate about addressing the retention and recruitment issues currently being faced, as well as the effect adverse social media has on members of the profession. With over two decades in a leadership role, Judy very much enjoys mentorship, education, charity and committee roles, and enabling and inspiring people to be the best that they can be.

I embrace the opportunity to be involved with the election process; picking the right people to help shape the future of the profession and support its members

In addition to 3 蹤獲弝け members, the Electoral College consists of:

  • Independent chair (Dr Judith Hulf) - non-voting
  • 蹤獲弝け Officers (Rob Williams, Liz Mullineaux, and Anna Judson)
  • a 蹤獲弝け Past President (James Russell)
  • 蹤獲弝け Board Chair (Steve Anderson Dixon) - non-voting
  • 蹤獲弝け Chief Executive (David Calpin) non-voting

For more information, see the Electoral College terms of reference.